Level 3 Award In Women leadership Development


This leadership development training aims to create an opportunity for women to explore leadership concepts and skills acquisition peculiar to women in leadership. Women constitute half of the working-age population in the world. Companies led by women seem to have traditionally fared better than their counterparts during times of financial crisis. A study carried out by Pew Research Center on women and leadership suggests that there is little difference between men and women in key leadership traits such as the ability to innovate and intelligence. At the same time, many observe that they are even better than men when being compassionate and organized.

El-Roi London Academy In collaboration with  English Development Centre Cape Verde.


Qualification Structure for the Level 3 Award In Women Leadership Development

Psychology of women is an approach that focuses on social, economic, and political issues confronting women throughout their lives. It can be considered a reaction to male-dominated theories such as Sigmund Freud’s view of female sexuality. The ground-breaking works of Karen Horney argued that male realities could not describe female psychology or define their gender because they are not informed by girls’ or women’s experiences. Theorists, therefore, claimed this new approach was required and that women’s social existence is crucial in understanding their psychology. For instance, it is claimed that some characteristics of female psychology emerge to comply with the given social order defined by men and not necessarily because it is the nature of their gender or psychology.

Leadership vision is an essential means for focusing attention on what matters most; what you want to accomplish in your life, and what kind of leader you wish to be. A useful vision has to be rooted in your past, address the future, and deal with today’s realities. It represents who you are and what you stand for. It inspires you and the people whose commitment you need to act to make a constructive change towards a future you all want to see.

It is established that women leadership has distinct benefits. Women leaders are endowed with certain natural qualities such as collaboration, empathy, and considerateness which have become essential ingredients in the present leadership trend. However, the subtle gender bias that persists in the society, community, families, and organizations stand as a strong barrier to women leadership.

What does emotional intelligence in leadership look like? According to Goleman, there are 5 EI competencies: Motivation, Self-awareness, Self-regulation, Social skills and Empathy. These competencies are critical to being a successful leader and are demonstrated through leadership behaviours. Emotional intelligence for leadership can consist of these five attributes: self-awareness, self-management, empathy, relationship management, and effective communication. A leader lacking in emotional intelligence cannot effectively gauge the needs, wants and expectations of those they lead.

Assessment of The Award is completed based on the Learning Outcomes’ achievement at the Unit’s Assessment Criteria standards. Therefore, the learner can achieve a Pass or Fail for each Unit based on the quality of the work submitted and the assessor’s judgments made against the criteria provided.

The El-Roi London Leadership Academy Level 3  Award In Women Leadership Development assessment is completed by submitting internally assessed learner work. This work is subject to external moderation or verification. The award is assessed by written course work of 1000 word count.

The typical minimum requirements for learners who have recently been in education or training is likely to include one of the following:

  • 5 or more GCSEs at grades C and above or Grade 4 and above
  • Another related level 2 subjects
  • Other equivalent international qualifications.

Learners will need to have an appropriate Level 2 standard in English to access resources and complete the unit assignments.

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