Level 3 Diploma in Biblical Mentoring Psychology

A mentor is an individual with expertise who can help develop a mentee’s career. The psychosocial function establishes the mentor as a role model and support system for the mentee. Both functions provide explicit and implicit lessons related to professional development and general work-life balance. Successful mentoring relationships go through four phases: preparation, negotiating, enabling growth, and closure. These sequential phases build on each other and vary in length. The psychology of mentoring isn’t a scary subject that needs to be remembered word for word when becoming a mentor. It is just right to know how the thought process works from a mentee aspect, so you can focus on their strengths and help improve aspects of their working lives. By identifying talents and skills, the mentorship becomes instantly more productive. Positive psychology works on what is going well and what can be broadened, not focusing on problems like ill-health as traditional psychology does. The Pauline Theology of mentoring will provide the basis of this course’s theological theory

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Level 3 Diploma in Biblical Psychology

The course aims to introduce bible believers to psychology’s fundamental concepts in the bible. Biblical theology has psychological foundations that shape the mindset of Christians. The development of Christian behaviour is based on the cognitive psychology of teaching and learning biblical concepts. Cost  £200  / N100,000 Make Payment Registering from

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Level 4 Diploma in Biblical Kingdom Economic Psychology

Economic psychology, as a discipline studies the psychological mechanisms that underlie economic behaviours. It deals with decisions (individual or interactive), preferences, judgments, and factors influencing these and the consequences of judgments and decisions for economics and society. The course will explore in details the Biblical concepts of kingdom economic psychology

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Level 4 Diploma in Biblical Kingdom Theology studies

Kingdom theology is a Christian thought system that elaborates on inaugurated eschatology, which is a way of understanding the various teachings on the kingdom of God found throughout the New Testament. Its emphasis is that the purpose of both individual Christians and the church is to manifest God’s kingdom on

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