Level 3 Diploma in Biblical Psychology of the Mind

Psychology is the study of mind and behaviour. It encompasses the biological influences, social pressures, and environmental factors that affect how people think act, and feel. When discussing the mind, there are three basic areas to consider: the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the unconscious mind. The conscious mind is the part we’re aware of and thinks with. This course will explore the mind’s biblical psychological concepts and the link between mainstream psychology and biblical theology.

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Level 3 Diploma in Biblical leadership Psychology.

Leadership is a process whereby an individual, or clique, can influence others to internalize a collective vision and mobilize them toward attaining that vision. Effective leadership transforms people’s goals and ambitions, even their identities, and replaces self-oriented behaviour with group-oriented behaviour. Psychological theorists study leadership holistically, finding patterns both inside

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Level 3 Award In Women leadership Development

Aim This leadership development training aims to create an opportunity for women to explore leadership concepts and skills acquisition peculiar to women in leadership. Women constitute half of the working-age population in the world. Companies led by women seem to have traditionally fared better than their counterparts during times of

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Level 3 Diploma in Biblical Mentoring Psychology

A mentor is an individual with expertise who can help develop a mentee’s career. The psychosocial function establishes the mentor as a role model and support system for the mentee. Both functions provide explicit and implicit lessons related to professional development and general work-life balance. Successful mentoring relationships go through

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