Level 4 Diploma in Biblical Anthropological studies. Biblical Origin of Man

In the context of Christian theology, Christian anthropology is the study of the human (“anthropology”) as it relates to God. It differs from anthropology’s social science, which primarily deals with the comparative analysis of humanity’s physical and social characteristics across times and places. Anthropologists have almost no track record of studying Christianity, a religion they have generally treated as not exotic enough to be of interest

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Level 3 Diploma in Biblical Psychology of the Mind

Psychology is the study of mind and behaviour. It encompasses the biological influences, social pressures, and environmental factors that affect how people think act, and feel. When discussing the mind, there are three basic areas to consider: the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the unconscious mind. The conscious mind

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Level 3 Diploma in Biblical leadership Psychology.

Leadership is a process whereby an individual, or clique, can influence others to internalize a collective vision and mobilize them toward attaining that vision. Effective leadership transforms people’s goals and ambitions, even their identities, and replaces self-oriented behaviour with group-oriented behaviour. Psychological theorists study leadership holistically, finding patterns both inside

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level 4 Diploma in Biblical Entrepreneurship Theology

This course aims to develop biblical concepts of entrepreneurship. An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards Entrepreneurs who prove to be successful in taking on the risks of a start-up are rewarded with profits, fame, and

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