level 4 Diploma in Biblical Entrepreneurship Theology

This course aims to develop biblical concepts of entrepreneurship. An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards Entrepreneurs who prove to be successful in taking on the risks of a start-up are rewarded with profits, fame, and continued growth opportunities.

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Level 4 Diploma in Biblical Management Psychology

The application of human behaviour knowledge to issues that arise in organizations’ management, especially regarding decision-making, problem-solving, leadership, and human relations in the workplace. This is the basis of management psychology. The course will explore the biblical management psychology concepts and its applications in church management and personal management skills

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Level 4 Diploma in Biblical Kingdom Economic Psychology

Economic psychology, as a discipline studies the psychological mechanisms that underlie economic behaviours. It deals with decisions (individual or interactive), preferences, judgments, and factors influencing these and the consequences of judgments and decisions for economics and society. The course will explore in details the Biblical concepts of kingdom economic psychology

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Level 3 Award In Women leadership Development

Aim This leadership development training aims to create an opportunity for women to explore leadership concepts and skills acquisition peculiar to women in leadership. Women constitute half of the working-age population in the world. Companies led by women seem to have traditionally fared better than their counterparts during times of

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